

Cromford Meadows, Mill Road, Cromford, Matlock, Derbyshire, England


Map Reference SK 3035 5685 (Lat 53° 6.5' North - Long 1° 32.8' West)


From the North : Proceed south on A6 from Matlock towards Derby.  At Cromford traffic lights turn left signposted Crich, Lea and Holloway.  Pass the Cromford Mill on the left and 100m on the right is the entrance to Cromford Meadows.  The clubhouse is at the far end of the meadow about 300m along the tarred road.


From the South : Proceed north on A6 from Derby towards Matlock.  At Cromford traffic lights turn right signposted Crich, Lea and Holloway.  Pass the Cromford Mill on the left and 100m on the right is the entrance to Cromford Meadows.  The clubhouse is at the far end of the meadow about 300m along the tarred road.


If you are arriving by coach you need to notify the Club in order that the overhead barrier at the entrance to Cromford Meadows can be opened.